Service Scope
Storage and Networking
Providing the flexibility, global scalability and durability for your data storage on cloud
What we can help you achieve
- Ensure on-demand data delivery with timely capacity and cost, without the need to purchase and manage your own data storage infrastructure
- Develop a top-down comprehensive network security planning program to adapt to business development
What we provide
- Cloud computing model solution that stores data on the Internet through a cloud computing provider
Elastic Computing Assessment
Meet changing demands without worrying about capacity planning and engineering for peak usage
What we can help you achieve
- Quickly scale up or down computer processing, memory and storage resources
- Avoid paying for unused capacity or idle resources, and don't have to worry about investing in or maintaining additional resources and equipment
What we provide
- System monitoring tools to match the amount of resources allocated to the amount of resources actually needed without disrupting operations
Migration Services
Cloud Migration Services: Assist clients in migrating their existing applications, data, and infrastructure from on-premises or single-cloud environments to a multi-cloud setup, include Alibaba Cloud, Azure, AWS ,GCP. This may involve planning and executing the migration, minimising downtime, and ensuring data integrity and security throughout the process.
What we can help you achieve
- Maintain the availability of business-critical applications

Storage and Networking
Providing the flexibility, global scalability and durability for your data storage on cloud
What we can help you achieve
- Ensure on-demand data delivery with timely capacity and cost, without the need to purchase and manage your own data storage infrastructure
- Develop a top-down comprehensive network security planning program to adapt to business development
What we provide
- Cloud computing model solution that stores data on the Internet through a cloud computing provider

Elastic Computing Assessment
Meet changing demands without worrying about capacity planning and engineering for peak usage
What we can help you achieve
- Quickly scale up or down computer processing, memory and storage resources
- Avoid paying for unused capacity or idle resources, and don't have to worry about investing in or maintaining additional resources and equipment
What we provide
- System monitoring tools to match the amount of resources allocated to the amount of resources actually needed without disrupting operations

Migration Services
Migrate your workloads and applications to cloud with tools and services offered from Azure, AWS and Google
What we can help you achieve
- Maintain the availability of business-critical applications