On 26th September 2022, at 9:30 a.m., with the sound of gongs, MTT Group Holdings Limited (“MTT Group”; “the Group” StockCode: 2350.HK) was officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, marking anew step for the Group.
MTT Group is principally engaged in thedistribution of IT products in Hong Kong and the provision of systemintegration solutions in Hong Kong, the PRC and Macau, and operates a distributionbusiness and a system integration solutions business through two differenttrade names, namely TriTech and Multisoft, respectively.

About MTT Group Holdings Limited
MTT Group is an IT solutions providerestablished in Hong Kong since 2020 and listed on the Main Board of the HongKong Stock Exchange in 2022. We are primarily engaged in the distribution of ITproducts in Hong Kong and provision of SI solutions in Hong Kong, the PRC andMacau. In the value chain of the IT industry, we operate in distributionbusiness as an authorised distributor sourcing IT products from IT productvendors and distributing to downstream resellers; and SI solutions business asan SI solutions provider procuring IT products from authorised distributor,integrating them into customised SI solutions and reselling them to endusers.
Group website: https://www.mttgholdings.com