感謝大家踴躍參加由Multisoft 與 Microsoft Azure 聯合舉辦的「Strategies for Cloud Operations and Financial Optimization」活動!
我們非常高興能與大家一起探討2024 最高效雲端運營策略。
希望大家透過這次活動獲得Azure Landing Zone及Cloud Managed Service的最佳實踐方案,並能應用到您的雲策略中。

Thank you everyone for actively participating in the "Strategies for Cloud Operations and FinancialOptimization" event, jointly organized by Multisoft and Microsoft Azure!

We are very pleased to explore the most efficient Cloud Operation Strategies of 2024 with all of you.
Special thanks for your active participation and for asking questions about the cloud.
We hope that through this event, you have gained best practice solutions for Azure Landing Zone and Cloud ManagedServices, and can apply them to your cloud strategies.
Follow Multisoft to get more events and the latest information!